1. First start at the top of your head and work your way down , so things like a brush/comb,toothbrush, toothpaste, glasses/contacts, dentures, hearing aides, make up ( if you feel you need it but not necessary for fun) are all things you should consider bringing.

2. Clothes- you want to have clothes for warm and cold weather, even if its warm during the day it can still get pretty cold at night so bring layers.

3. Shoes- you will be walking on dirt, gravel and grass so bring what would be comfortable.

4. Other important items personal items: sun block, sunglasses, hat, flashlight (check batteries), any prescription medications your taking, deodorant, towel and wash cloth, shampoo and conditioner (as there are showers available), pillow, sleeping bag (and/or blankets )WOMEN: check your calendars and bring any necessary supplies

5. If bringing a bike make sure you have ALL your gear!

6. If bringing a pet: EXTRA water and food, bowls for both, some sort of shade/shelter(some pets have been known to escape a tent so be careful what you plan for this one), LEASH AND COLLAR/HARNESS, baggies for cleaning up after your pet please, toys to play with, and any time your traveling with your pet it is smart to have a copy of their shots record in case of an emergency.

7. Other items you might want: camera/ video camera, mp3 player/ipod, cell phone (there is coverage, as well as internet coverage for computers), games, cards, chairs, tent (or other sleeping apparatus), rain gear, tarps (if you bring it you wont need it, right?) ice chest ( to keep things cool if really hot), extra food/munchies and water if you don’t want to pay for it in between the served meals (regular coffee is available 24/7 no charge with cream and sugar). We are all camped within a mile or so of a general store also so if you do forget something just bring some money that you can use for the raffle tickets too or the burgers and fries sold in between served meals.

8. Some people also bring musical instruments and play and sing around the campfire.